Abstract Making less fuss of knee replacement surgery in Australia and the inexorable trend towards day stay The increasing demand for definitive treatment of degenerative knee disorders continues to pressure the healthcare system, with availability of hospital beds particularly contentious....
- May 15, 2018
Abstract Obesity is one of the major health problems in our world and its incidence has increased 800% in the last 15 years. Over 350 million people worldwide are obese and obesity is directly linked to approximately 500,000 deaths per...
- May 15, 2018
Abstract During this session we aim to explain the changes that have recently come into effect within the sterilizing industry. We discuss how the Australian Standards are guiding the work done here and also how to approach interpretation of these...
- May 15, 2018
Health Legal and Law Compliance Ph: 1300 862 667 Email: natalie.franks@healthlegal.com.au Websites: www.healthlegal.com.au www.lawcompliance.com.au Health Legal uniquely focuses on the needs of the health sector and provides contract advice and templates, regulatory and medico-legal advice and legislative compliance services. Health...
- May 13, 2018
Biography David is the recently appointed National Manager of IMGA MEDIPROTECT, specialists of healthcare organisations and medical professionals insurance brokering practices of PSC. David is a versatile executive with extensive experience in the general insurance industry, primarily in the Financial...
- May 3, 2018
Abstract Sarah will share perspectives on Reimagining Health including the priorities for change to deliver better health outcomes to all with more sustainable affordable costs. She will also share what this means for Day Hospitals. Biography Sarah Butler Sarah.M.Butler@pwc.com...
- May 1, 2018
Finding your E-Colours E-Colors by taking your Personality Diversity Indicator (PDI) – instructions below. PDI Instructions: Follow this link to find out your E-Color combination: http://www.equilibria.com/PDI-home Scroll down on the page to select the “Adult & Teenagers” tab, followed by your...
- May 1, 2018
Abstract HOW DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES SEE AND MANAGE RISK DIFFERENTLY The consideration is that a link exists between understanding the system that drives people to make errors and that different people with different personalities react to those systemic drivers. Individuals will...
- May 1, 2018