Jamie Mann-Farrar

An experienced healthcare executive, educator, novice researcher and international speaker whose academic endeavours in resuscitation, deteriorating patients and peri anaesthesia nursing have resulted in a Judith Meppem Scholarship for Innovation, research cited in the European Resuscitation Council Guidelines and publication in the Medical Journal of Australia, the CSIRO Journal, International Journal of Peri anaesthesia Nursing and Anaesthesia & Intensive Care.

A recognised subject matter expert in peri anaesthesia nursing, he holds an Adjunct Associate Professor appointment at both the University of Notre Dame & Central Queensland University.

Jamie has been at the forefront of standardizing the assistant to the anaesthetist role. He was the only Australian nurse invited on the panel of experts for ANZCA’s PS08 ‘the assistant to the anaesthetist’ and he sat on the Agency for Clinical Innovation’s working party on Anaesthetic Assistants for NSW Health.

A former day surgery CEO/DON, Jamie is now the Managing Director of Health Service Assist Group, the market leader of perioperative education services, educating thousands of perioperative nurses each year.